Cookies - Nutiro

Read more about cookies

Effective as of 3rd of November 2019

1. General Information

1.1 This document uses the same terminology and abbreviations as the Terms and Conditions document. A cookie is a small piece of text used to store information on web browsers. It remembers information about your visit on our website, like your preferred currency and other settings, and helps us optimize and improve the user experience of the Website. Cookies makes it possible to provide an easier and more rewarding service to you by enabling crucial functionalities.

1.2 The cookies we use (and other types of technologies we use with a similar purpose as cookies, referred here to as cookies) may vary over time as we continuously update and improve our services. More information about the cookies that we use is presented in our list of commonly used cookies below.

Category of use Example
Preferences Preferences cookies enable the functionality of our services and help us provide a personalized experience of our site. It remembers information such as preferred language and currency and then adapts how the site appears or behave.
Authentication & Security Authentication

If you have an account on the Site, we use cookies to verify your account and, if you prefer, keep you logged in so that our services will be more accessible to you. Cookies also allow us to store security information so that we are able to recover your account in case it has been hacked or you have forgotten your password.


If you have an account on the Site, security cookies help us keep your account safe and protect user data from unauthorized parties. These cookies prevent fraudulent use of login credentials by, for instance, applying further security measures when someone attempts to access your account without the proper authorization.

Performance Performance cookies enable all functions on our website to work correctly. For example, you may not be able to use our search function or login page (if you have an account) without these cookies.
Analytics These cookies will provide information regarding how visitors interact with our services and makes it possible for us to collect information about which aspects should be further developed in order to improve the user experience.
Advertising Advertising cookies make it possible to personalize promotions. With the use of advertising cookies, for example, we are able to set the number of times a suggested or promoted object is shown to a visitor as well as to measure how many times a specific object has been clicked on and from where in the world the object has been viewed.
Remarketing We may use third-party cookies, provided by third-party service providers such as Facebook and Google, for re-marketing purposes as explained in our Privacy Policy.

1.3 We may use third-party services like Google Analytics and Facebook Pixels. Cookies from such services are used to collect data for statistical reports.

1.4 The Site utilises Google Analytics for statistical purposes. Google Analytics is set in a way that it does not collect your IP address nor any other personally identifiable information. We are only interested in how the Site is being used so that we can improve, modify and adapt the Site and Services to best suit user’s needs. More information on how Google Analytics works and how you can opt-out of its use can be found on <>.

1.5 We may use other third-party Services such as Pixel by Facebook, to help us target our ads more effectively. The collected data remains anonymous. This means that we cannot see the personal data of any individual user. However, the collected data is saved and processed by Facebook. We are informing you on this matter according to our information at this time. Facebook is able to connect the data with your Facebook account and use the data for their own advertising purposes, in accordance with Facebook’s Data Use Policy found under <>. You may opt-out of Facebook tracking option by visiting the following link <> and for other types of third-party ad tracking, by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative Opt-out Page.

2. Managing Cookies

2.1 At any time you have the possibility to manage your cookies preferences. This is done in your browser or device settings. Depending on which browser and device you use you may be able to control which cookies you allow, which cookies you want to block in the future, and delete cookies. For more information about these settings visit your browser or device´s help page. Note that some of Nutiro Services might not work as intended if you choose to disable cookies.

3. Contact information

3.1 If you have any queries or concerns regarding our Cookie Policy and how the information is handled, or you wish to access, retrieve, amend, or update your Information feel free to contact us at